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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Trump Praises China: POTUS says he can't blame them for taking advantage of us

Thursday, November 9, 2017
China's President Xi Jinping and first lady Peng Liyuan hosted President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump at a state dinner in Beijing Thursday. Credit: Thomas Peter/Pool/Getty Images

Trump Praises China: POTUS says he can't blame China for taking advantage of us

Biden: "This is Eating at the Fabric of the Country": Biden slams white supremacists and Trumps' Charlottesville response

Before He Tweets: Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley sing about Trump tweets at CMAs

Kate Bennett is off. Her section will return next week.

Hunter Schwarz

What Washington is Talking About:
An honor ceremony was held today for the officers who responded to the shooting at the congressional baseball game in June, and markup of the tax reform bill continues for a fourth day in the House Ways and Means Committee.

What America is Talking About:
The holiday season is upon us: Starbucks announced two new drinks for its holiday menu today, and Walmart is offering its first Black Friday sales online.

Poll of the Day:
According to a CNN poll out this morning, 52% of Americans believe that recent coverage of sexual harassment and assault will reduce the amount of such behavior, while 42% believe it will not.
Credit: CNN

Trump Praises China...:
Speaking outside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing earlier today, President Trump -- who, during the campaign, described China's trade relationship with the US as rape -- said he couldn't blame a country for taking advantage of another country "for the benefit of its citizens." "I give China great credit," he said.

...But Doesn't Take Reporters' Questions:
Trump did not take questions from the press while alongside his Chinese counterpart today. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told CNN it was at the "insistence" of China. OK, but, like, since when are they the boss of us? Barack Obama didn't take questions alongside the country's leader during his first trip to China, but did during a subsequent trip.

Our Daily Melania:
The first lady visited a school in Beijing with China's first lady Peng Liyuan today, where she met students and attended calligraphy, fashion, and cooking classes wearing Dolce & Gabbana, per Kate.
Credit: @KateBennett_DC/Twitter

And Melania remains the most popular Trump, according to a CNN poll that found her approval rating at 48%, 4% higher than her husband's.

Meanwhile, in Hangzhou:
An eight-and-a-half hour drive south of the Trumps in Beijing, three freshman on UCLA's men's basketball team have been arrested for allegedly shoplifting from a Louis Vuitton store near their hotel in Hangzhou, according to ESPN. The team is in China to play Georgia Tech in Shanghai Saturday, and UCLA coach Steve Alford said the three players accused of theft will not be playing.

Biden: "This is Eating at the Fabric of the Country":
Speaking in Philadelphia Wednesday, Joe Biden spoke about recent white supremacist rallies and said, "Folks, this is eating at the fabric of our country." "Did any one of you ever think that you would see folks coming out from under rocks and out of the fields with torches, carrying swastikas and then have those who were protesting compared as the moral equivalent to those people?" he asked. Then, in an interview with Oprah that aired on "Good Morning America" this morning, Biden said he regrets that he's not president, which totally sounds like something that someone who plans to run for president in 2020 would say.

The Call:
Longtime Trump employee and current Ben Carson adviser Lynne Patton posted a photo of Wednesday of Trump taking Hillary Clinton's concession call to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the election. She even tagged Clinton, which was a nice touch.

Patton said she never posted it out of respect for the Trumps, but was doing so now to show the peaceful transfer of power in hopes the US can move forward.
Credit: @LynnePatton/Instagram

Ever the trendsetter, DJTJ followed up with his own photos of that same call 14 hours after Patton, except slightly blurrier and with the buttons to make a layout photo or post a gallery of photos still on the bottom, like he took a screenshot and posted that instead of the original photo, calling it "the call that ended it all."

Median Sale Price for Trump Tower Condos are at Recession Levels:
There's never been a better time to buy at Trump Tower, where prices have fallen since Trump announced his candidacy in 2015.  Brokers told the Wall Street Journal it could be due to the unpopularity of the President, the inconvenience of heightened security there, or a soft market.

The average price per square foot in Trump Tower is down 13% from 2016 and down 23% from 2015, while it's up .3% since 2015 for other Midtown Manhattan properties, excluding new developments.

"The Newspaperman" Debuts in Washington:
HBO's documentary "The Newspaperman" -- about the late Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee -- was screened last night at the Newseum. Bradlee's widow, Sally Quinn, was among those who introduced the doc. "The takeaway from this film is it is the lie that is the enemy of the American people, not the journalists who expose it," she said. "The Newspaperman" premieres December 4.

Kevin Spacey is Being Replaced in Movie Coming Out in 43 Days:
I've never made a movie before, but that seems really quick. Spacey's role in "All the Money in the World," out December 22, is being taken by Christopher Plummer. TriStar Pictures said in a statement, "There are over 800 other actors, writers, artists, craftspeople and crew who worked tirelessly and ethically on this film, some for years, including one of cinema's master directors. It would be a gross injustice to punish all of them for the wrongdoings of one supporting actor in the film."

Before He Tweets:
After the snafu the CMAs started with their later-rescinded press restrictions against asking questions about politics, co-host Carrie Underwood poked fun at it in a monologue, saying the show would be a "politics-free zone" before breaking into a parody of "Before He Cheats" with co-host Brad Paisley:

He writes Little Bob Corker, NFL, and "covfefe"/
And it's fun to watch it, yeah, that's for sure/
Until little "Rocket Man" starts a nuclear war/
And then maybe next time he'll think before he tweets.

Credit: Rick Diamond/Getty Images
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