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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Melania to Talk Cyber-Bullying with Tech Leaders: She'll also discuss social media pressure content and time online

Wednesday, March 14, 2018
President Trump inspects border wall prototypes in San Diego Tuesday. Credit: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

Melania to Talk Cyber-Bullying with Tech Leaders: She'll also discuss social media pressure, content and time online

Nationwide #NeverAgain Walkouts: How are schools handling the demonstrations in your part of the country?

Dems Push Back on House Intel Repub Findings: One lawmaker called their report "a playbook from the President"

Kate Bennett

What the White House is Talking About:
President Trump departs Los Angeles en route to St. Louis, where he will tour Boeing and participate in two closed-press fundraising events. Later in the evening he returns to Washington. 

What the White House Press Corps is Talking About:
The Pennsylvania special election last night. Also, the musical chairs game that is Trump's Cabinet right now.

Cabinet People Are Nervous, Probably:
At least five members of the President's Cabinet might be feeling a little paranoid today, in the wake of Trump's unceremonious dump of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Tillerson got canned yesterday, and Trump has made signals he's ready to address more staffing issues, and do so quickly. On the naughty list: Ben Carson (see below), David Shulkin, Jeff Sessions, H.R. McMaster, Ryan Zinke, Scott Pruitt, Betsy DeVos, and possibly even chief of staff John Kelly. 

Here's Who Has Left So Far: 
Our digital team has this up-to-date chart of who has left the Trump administration, which is handy because there have been a lot of people. 

Wait, Ben Carson Actually DID Know About the Furniture:
Thanks to some excellent reporting, CNN had the exclusive this morning that HUD Secretary Ben Carson not only knew about the purchase of a $31,000 furniture set for his office, he helped pick it out. Carson had previously said he was "surprised" at the exorbitant cost and that he was canceling the order, which CNN confirmed did happen on March 1st. But new emails show he knew about the price, and was sent the estimate, and that he and his wife chose the mahogany set, which included this $7,000 breakfront piece: 

Our Daily Melania:
In her push to "help children," which is what we so far know about Melania Trump's nascent formal platform, next week she'll meet with tech leaders from places like Twitter, Facebook, Google, Snap, and Amazon. Her spokeswoman told me, "Mrs. Trump has simply asked for a meeting to discuss one of the many things that impacts children -- as she has done many times in the past, on several different topics." However, it's an encouraging step forward to addressing issues like social media pressure, time online, content and, yes, cyber-bullying. 

Barack Obama's Tribute to Stephen Hawking: 
I'm posting it because it felt human and sincere -- and it's also how I would like to imagine Hawking in the afterlife. 
Credit: @BarackObama/Twitter

Dress Like Bernie Sanders:
Uber-high end design house Balenciaga is using the 2016 Bernie Sanders logo style, and has made $595 pool sandals. (Also, if you're buying $600 plastic shoes, we should talk.) There's also a t-shirt version, for $395, which I actually saw a guy wearing in Bethesda last weekend. Fashion, you crazy son-of-a-gun. 

Hunter Schwarz

What Washington is Talking About:
The House is voting on a school security bill that has frustrated some Dems because it lacks any gun control component. And the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on school safety and shootings at which Florida's Sens. Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson will testify.

What America is Talking About:
Stephen Hawking died at age 76.

What London is Talking About:
The UK announced it's expelling 23 undeclared Russian intelligence agents from the country after concluding Russia was likely behind the military-grade nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy and his daughter.

Poll of the Day:
Support for stricter laws on gun sales has reached its highest point in a quarter of a century, at 67%, according to a Gallup poll released today:
Credit: Gallup

Nationwide #NeverAgain Walkouts:
Students and teachers across the country are walking out today to protest gun violence. I'm curious how this is playing out in different parts of the country and in conservative communities vs. liberal ones. How have administrators, teachers, and students handled gun activism where you live? Email at

The Nail-Biter Pennsylvania Race:
As of this morning, a little more than 600 votes separate Repub Rick Saccone from Dem Conor Lamb. It's still too close to call, but Lamb declared victory last night. House Speaker Paul Ryan told a closed-door meeting of Repubs today that the results should be a wake-up call for the party. Repub groups spent more than $10 million on the race and sent in not only President Donald Trump, but Vice President Mike Pence and Donald Trump Jr. too.

Dems Push Back on Repubs' House Intel Committee Findings:
At least one Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee believe there was collusion ... between the White House and Republicans on the committee. Rep. Jackie Speier told reporters yesterday the Repub report was a "gross dereliction of duty" and "a playbook from the President that has been recalibrated to be a report from the intelligence committee." "This report was cooked before it was ever baked," she said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intel Committee, said Americans "need to know whether the Russians still have something they can hold over the President's head" and that their work was "far from done," and Rep. Michael Conway, a Repub, stepped back from claiming Russians didn't help Trump, saying, "everybody gets to make up their own mind whether they were trying to hurt Hillary [or] help Trump," characterizing it as "glass half full, glass half empty."

This is the Earliest Known Instance of Stormy Daniels Talking About Trump:
Daniels spoke in 2007 with radio host Bubba the Love Sponge Clem (his legal name) about her alleged affair with Trump, our KFile found (If the name "Bubba the Love Sponge" sounds familiar but you can't put your finger on where you heard about him, it might be from his connection to the Peter Thiel-funded Hulk Hogan case that brought down Gawker). In her 2007 interview, Daniels wrote down the names of three celebrities she slept with. Clem said Trump was No. 1, and several details Daniels shared match those of Trump, including that they met in Nevada.

The latest from pop culture and politics mash-up artist Saint Hoax is a take on Beyoncé and Jay-Z's On The Run II Tour poster, reimagined as the World War III Tour, with Kim Jong Un as Bey and Vladimir Putin as Jay:
Credit: @sainthoax/Instagram

Street Art Sighting:
Advocacy group Avaaz placed 7,000 pairs of donated shoes on the lawn outside the US Capitol Tuesday to represent children who have been killed by guns since the Newtown shooting in 2012.
Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Among the shoes was a pair that once belonged to Daniel Mauser, who was killed at Columbine, donated by his father Tom Mauser. "My son wore the same size shoes as me. I discovered that after he died and that became a big symbol for me, that I could walk in his shoes," he told our Ashley Killough. Mauser traveled to D.C. from Colorado to deliver the shoes himself.
Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

If you spot political street art, I'd love to see it. Here's how you can reach me:
1. Tweet me @hunterschwarz
2. Tag me on Instagram @hunterschwarz
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