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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Our First Look at Clinton's Campaign Memoir: She calls Trump a "creep," says she'll live with 2016 loss "for the rest of my life"

Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Members of Bikers for Trump stand guard Tuesday as people enter a rally by President Donald Trump in Phoenix. Credit: David McNew/Getty Images

Dress Like the Treasury Secretary's Wife: It costs about $13,255 to pull off Louise Linton's now-infamous look

Trump Picked the Wallpaper: Because of course he did -- a look inside the renovated Oval Office

First Look at Clinton's Campaign Memoir: She calls Trump a "creep," says she'll live with 2016 loss "for the rest of my life"

Kate Bennett

What the White House Is Talking About:
President Donald Trump stays out West today, making appearances in Reno, Nevada, before flying back to Washington this evening. 

What the White House Press Corps Is Talking About:
The morning-after take: Is Trump crazy? Or is he crazy like a fox? The press corps is abuzz after Tuesday night's Phoenix rally, wherein the President rehashed Charlottesville but left out the three to four sentences that caused the most controversy. I mean, are we really surprised? 

But First, Tweets:
Kind of ornery this morning?
Credit: @realDonaldTrump/Twitter

Trump and McConnell Got All Yell-y:
Apparently things are so bad between Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that they yelled at each other the last time they spoke on the phone, which reportedly was on August 9. Note to both: It's maybe going to be hard to do the things you both want to do if you aren't speaking to each other. 

Our Daily Melania:
Melania Trump tweeted her thanks to Chelsea Clinton for defending Barron Trump from criticism. Clinton has twice tweeted "leave Barron alone"-themed tweets in the past two days, the most recent calling "for shame" to a man who said something nasty, and has since taken his Twitter account private. 

The first lady's tweet of thanks is important to note for a few reasons. A) Clearly Donald Trump is not a fan of Chelsea Clinton, and or her mother, so the partisan factor was overlooked by the first lady in favor of compassion; B) she debuted a new hashtag in the tweet, #StopChildhoodBullying, which could be another clue to her upcoming platform content, which is coming "soon," her office tells me; and C) She tweeted the thanks at 11 p.m., literally peak speech time from her husband's rally in Arizona. And before you say that means she wasn't watching, I've already checked with her communications director, and she told me the first lady was watching, and she also tweeted --  she was multitasking, which I, too, can do, thank you very much. 
Louise Linton Apologizes, But Still:
Louise Linton, the wife of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, apparently was everyone's least favorite human Tuesday, and by 4 p.m. she must have realized it enough to issue a perfunctory apology, via her publicist: 

"I apologize for my post on social media yesterday as well as my response. It was inappropriate and highly insensitive." 

Linton was apologizing for the her really distasteful Instagram post, and her response to a commenter. I'm guessing/hoping you're up to date on what I'm talking about, but here's the story if not. 

Dress Like the Treasury Secretary's Wife:
Sorry, have to. I mean, you do want to know what she was wearing when she got off that plane from Kentucky, amirite? As "ew" as this story is, I see it as my fashion duty. Linton was wearing $925 Roland Mouret "Ward" slacks, $475 Tom Ford "Arabella" (or similar style) sunglasses, $780
"Ex-Libris Coloriage" (or similar) Hermès silk scarf$1,075 Valentino "Rockstud" pumps in nude, and a white Hermès Birkin 35 bag, which has a wait list, but there's one here for $10,000. Grand tally: about $13,255, by my estimate. 
Credit: @louiselinton/Instagram (now deleted) 

Celeb Sighting, #ThisTown:
Bo and Sunny Obama were taken on a walk this morning near Kalorama by their dog walker. Betsy Klein with the snap. Guys, it's the third week of August, work with me here. 
Credit: @betsyklein/Instagram

Trump Picked the Wallpaper Because Of Course He Did:
Some highlights from the recently renovated West Wing of the White House include the new Oval Office wallpaper, which was made in Pennsylvania and has a pattern of sea scrolls, leaves and floral medallions. White House interior decorator John Botello, a preservation specialist in the Executive Office of the President, Office of Administration, told CNN: "The President selected the wallpaper, so he had looked through ideas and samples and concepts and that was what he chose." He'll probably change it up after he designs his Oval Office rug, which most presidents do -- and Trump "absolutely" plans to do, Botello says. Right now, Trump's using Ronald Reagan's old rug, Bill Clinton's old drapes and George W. Bush's old sofas -- all of these items were there before the recent two-week renovation. Noticeably absent? The beige and taupe-striped wallpaper that were part of Barack Obama's decor. Then, left; now, right: 
Credit: Getty Images; Alex Wong/Getty Images

Hunter Schwarz

What Washington Is Talking About:
Trump threatened to shut down the government to build The Wall during his Phoenix speech Tuesday night. What ever happened to having Mexico pay for it?

What America Is Talking About:
The drawing for a $700 million Powerball jackpot is tonight.

Poll of the Day:
America's active-duty military presence overseas is at its lowest point in at least 60 years, with 193,442 members, or about 15% of all active-duty military personnel, according to analysis from Pew Research Center.
Credit: Pew

Fake News:
Trump said many things in Phoenix that weren't true. Politifact did a rundown here, and one that especially stood out to me was during his extended attack on the media when he said, "I really think they don't like our country."

I did some fact-checking and found that is fake news. America is my No. 1 fav country, I got into journalism in large part because I love my country, and I'm grateful that I get to exercise my First Amendment rights to free speech as a journalist every day. And I'm not alone. 

How Trump's Visit Played Out on Arizona's Front Page:
Here's the dramatic A1 today from my hometown paper, The Arizona Republic:
Credit: Arizona Republic/Newseum

First Look at Hillary Clinton's Campaign Memoir:
Two audio excerpts from her upcoming memoir, "What Happened," were played today on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," and I'm telling you, politicians are always more interesting when they aren't running for anything, because that's when they talk about the good stuff. Here's what she said about why she wrote the book:

I don't have all the answers and this isn't a comprehensive account of the 2016 race. That's not for me to write. I have too little distance and too great a stake in it. Instead this is my story. I want to pull back the curtain on an experience that was exhilarating, joyful, humbling, infuriating and just plain baffling. Writing this wasn't easy. Every day that I was a candidate for president, I knew that millions of people were counting on me and I couldn't bare the idea of letting them down, but I did. I couldn't get the job done, and I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life.

And here's what she said she was thinking about when Trump was looming behind her during one of the presidential debates:

It was the second presidential debate and Donald Trump was looming behind me. Two days before the world heard him brag about groping women. Now we were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled. It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching, well, what would you do? Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren't repeatedly invading your space or do you turn, look him in the eye and say loudly and clearly, back up you creep, get away from me.

"Email Prankster" Punks Breitbart:
Guys, this story. A man pretending to be Steve Bannon emailed Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, and in response, Marlow said he would do Bannon's "dirty work" against White House aides and said he could get "Javanka" out of there "by the end of the year." Oof.

ESPN Pulls Announcer Because of His Name:
The network pulled Robert Lee from the University of Virginia's home opener game September 2 because his name is the same as Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, and it wanted to avoid any possible memes and headlines that could generate. Lee will instead cover the Youngstown-Pitt game on the same day.

"We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name," ESPN said in a statement. "In that moment it felt right to all parties. It's a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play-by-play for a football game has become an issue."

Comey Sighting:
It's been awhile since we've seen or heard from former FBI Director James Comey. Today it was announced he'll be the keynote speaker at Howard University's opening convocation September 23. In a statement, Comey said, "Howard has a longstanding history of being a vibrant academic community and the perfect place to have rich dialogue on many of the most pressing issues we face today. I look forward to contributing to this remarkable institution and engaging students and faculty alike."

🎶Go Call the Governor🎶:
In case you were on the fence about getting rid of Confederate monuments, there's now a petition on to replace all Confederate statues in Louisiana with those of Britney Spears. This morning it had more than 3,000 signatures.
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