"Power's not given to you. You have to take it." 5/25/17
A (Football) League of Their Own
When Sam Gordon started playing football as a kid, there were no girls-only teams. Shortly after her father uploaded a clip of her breaking tackles and scoring touchdowns against boys, Gordon became an internet sensation. Now, as a teenager, she's using her stardom to start an all-girls tackle football league in Utah.
Roaring With the Lion Dancers of New York's Chinatown
Lion dancing is an age-old Chinese tradition meant to ward off evil spirits and welcome good ones. It's a demanding sport that requires the strength and stability of kung fu, but Kelly Wong and the lion dancers of the Chinese Freemasons Athletic Club in New York City's Chinatown make it look effortless.
Fighting Fires, Doing Time: The Women's Inmate Firefighting Crew
In a state devastated by drought and seasonal wildfires, a select group of female inmates are doing their part to give back to California and save lives in the process. Fire crews made up of 200 women who are nonviolent offenders are being trained by professionals to fight the blazes, and it's making a difference.
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
This May, Great Big Story is celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with a shoutout to some of the extraordinary trailblazers and culture shapers whose stories we've had the privilege of telling.
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