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Monday, June 5, 2017

If it's a day ending in "y"...

Monday, June 5, 2017
President Donald Trump addresses a gala Sunday at Ford's Theatre in Washington to honor President Abraham Lincoln's legacy. Credit: Olivier Douliery/Pool/Getty Images

If It's a Day Ending in Y...: Trump's travel ban tweetstorm

Ariana Grande Returns to Manchester: The singer brings out the hits at benefit concert

A Show for Our Times: Who else has finished "House of Cards" yet?

Kate Bennett

What the White House Is Talking About:
President Donald Trump announcing the Air Traffic Control Reform Initiative. 

What the White House Press Corps Is Talking About:
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is at the podium for the briefing today; there's no explanation as to why Sean Spicer isn't, but we're assuming the switch-off could be the new normal. 

If It's a Day Ending in Y:
Trump went on a tweet binge this morning. Note of the four tweets, the two that put travel ban and extreme vetting in all caps have the most retweets, responses and likes. 
Also Goes After London's Mayor:
At about 10 a.m., Trump again took to Twitter to type this beauty directed at London's mayor, who probably has his hands full. Not to quibble, but our President's tweet isn't, um, accurate? Sadiq Khan had warned that "Londoners will see an increased police presence today & over the course of the next few days. There's no reason to be alarmed." He wasn't talking about terrorism; he was referring to stepped up law enforcement. 
POTUS and FLOTUS Hosting Dinner, Have Night on the Town:
Trump and the first lady hosted a pre-reception Sunday at the White House of VIP supporters of Ford's Theatre before heading to the theater for a gala, one of the bigger annual social events in Washington. A year ago, society clutched its collective pearls when the Obamas canceled the pre-gala White House reception, saying they were just too busy to put on the party. Ford's Theatre then ditched the entire gala, a tradition since the Carter administration. But it was back to normal Sunday night under Trump. Lincoln medal honorees were businessman Ronald Perelman and quarterback Peyton Manning, who earlier Sunday played golf with Trump at his Virginia course, accompanied by Sen. Bob Corker. 

At 5:30 this afternoon at the White House, the Trumps entertain again, hosting a reception for Gold Star families. 

Mnuchin Matrimony:
Hot buzz on a Cabinet wedding: Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is set to marry Scottish actress Louise Linton on June 24 at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, according to tipsters. Linton recently became CEO of Mnuchin's entertainment finance company, Dune Entertainment, from which he divested himself when he joined the administration. I hear POTUS and FLOTUS are on the guest list for the wedding. A request for comment from Linton has not been returned. In March, it was reported Mnuchin bought a $12.5 million mansion in Massachusetts Avenue Heights; it's still being renovated. In the meantime, Mnuchin and Linton have been bunking at the Trump International Hotel. 
Michelle Obama Fave Supports Melania Trump:
Add designer Thom Browne to the list of fashion designers who would dress Melania Trump. Browne, who made the tailored coat dress that Michelle Obama wore to her husband's second inauguration, tells Surface magazine in a new interview he thinks it's "unfortunate" the way some designers have treated the first lady, but he adds dressing Donald Trump is a different story.
Image credit:

Dress Like the First Lady:
Meanwhile, Melania Trump wore a pretty Champagne-silk $2,595 Monique Lhuillier Sunday night. This is what it looked like at the designer's Resort 2017 presentation. 
Credit: Left, Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images;

Going into Monday Like This Guy:
This picture floating around the interwebs this morning of a dude mowing the lawn while a tornado bears down is pretty much what Washington feels like. Ironically, the man is Canadian and it was shot in Alberta.
Credit: Cecelia Wessels/Facebook

Hunter Schwarz

What Washington Is Talking About:
Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony, scheduled for Thursday. Kellyanne Conway wouldn't say this morning on "Today" whether President Trump will exert executive privilege to prevent Comey's testimony.

What America Is Talking About:
"Wonder Woman," directed by Patty Jenkins, grossed more than $100 million in its opening weekend, the biggest opening ever for a film by a female director.

Putin Denies Russian Interference:
Megyn Kelly debuted her NBC show Sunday with an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who denied his country's interference in the 2016 campaign. He ...

1. Belittled Kelly's questions. ("Do you even understand what you're asking or not?!")
2. Belittled America. ("Your lives must be so boring" since you care about the Russia story.)
3. Attacked the media and defended Trump. ("You turned [the Russia story] into a weapon of war against the current President.")
4. And criticized the US for doing what Russia's accused of. ("Put your finger anywhere on a map of the world, and everywhere you will hear complaints that American officials are interfering in internal electoral processes.")

So basically, it went like you imagined it would.

Trump Tweets as Official White House Statements:
Today's new must-follow Twitter account is @TrumpTweetsWH, which turns @realDonaldTrump tweets into the White House statements formatted to look like they're official. It's reminder that Trump's tweets, which administration members sometimes attempt to dismiss, are official communication from the President of the United States. Here's one on the "covfefe" tweet:
Credit: @TrumpTweetsWH/Twitter

Ariana Grande Returns to Manchester:
I'm still in awe the singer returned to Manchester on Sunday for the "One Love Manchester" benefit concert, just two weeks after the terrorist attack outside her show in the northern English city. With such events, you always wonder how the setlist will be handled. Will it be the hits, or is it going to be mostly inspirational songs, ballads and covers that better fit the mood?

It sounds like Grande was originally planning to do the later but changed her mind at the last minute after speaking to the mother of Olivia Campbell-Hardy, a 15-year-old girl killed in the May 22 attack. The mother told the singer her daughter would "have wanted to hear the hits." Ariana said they planned a "different show" the day before but then they "changed everything." She closed off with "One Last Time" and a cover of "Over the Rainbow," which are worth a watch if you haven't seen them yet.
Credit: Getty Images/Dave Hogan for One Love Manchester

The show came after the Saturday terrorist attack in London that left seven dead and 48 injured. Grande's manager Scooter Braun said in a statement beforehand they were still going ahead "with greater purpose." 

Security seemed intense. A Rolling Stone reporter said he saw helicopters as he left and wrote the words "Helicopter hovering overhead" into his phone, taking notes for his story, and two officer stopped him. They asked whom he was with and if he'd written about a helicopter on his phone "without explaining the technology of how they'd read my Notes app."
Credit: Anthony Devlin/AFP/Getty Images

A Show for Our Times:
I finished "House of Cards" this weekend and I'm shook. It captured our current political climate of paranoia, panic and conspiracy theories without feeling like a simple ripping off of headlines. It forces you to imagine how the behind-the-scenes portrayal of these fictional events would play out publicly in real life -- the press releases and tweets and soundbites and memes -- while also imagining how the real public scandals involving Russia and hacking and congressional testimonies are playing out behind the scenes.

Would love to hear your thoughts on season five -- what you loved, what you hated, what stood out to you. And does anyone have any idea what was that weird glowing spa thing Jane Davis was in? Hit me up at

The Actor Who Plays Will Conway Has Half Sleeves:
This surprised me and I thought you'd find it interesting, too. Joel Kinnaman, the actor who plays HOC's 2016 Republican presidential candidate and governor of New York Will Conway, has tattoos.
Credit: @joelkinnaman/Instagram

Can We Talk About That Underwood Monologue?:
Minor spoiler alert below, so maybe save until you've watched the second-to-last episode of "House of Cards" before continuing to read?

Kevin Spacey's breaking-the-fourth-wall monologue as President Underwood in the middle of his congressional testimony was masterful, a poetic piece of prose on the theater of politics and authoritarianism. I reprinted it below just because I feel like it's worth reading:

"You don't actually need me to stand for anything, you just need me to stand. To be the strongman, the man of action. My god, you're addicted to action, and slogans. It doesn't matter what I say, it doesn't matter what I do, just as long as I'm doing something, you're happy to be along for the ride. And frankly, I don't blame you. With all the foolishness and indecision in your lives, why not a man like me? I don't apologize. In the end I don't care if you love me or you hate me, just as long as I win. The deck is stacked, the rules are rigged. Welcome to the death of the age of reason. There is no right or wrong, not anymore. There's only being in and then being out."
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