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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Spoiler alert (or: What to expect from Comey's testimony tomorrow)

Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Vice President Mike Pence stops for a selfie with a tourist Tuesday inside the US Capitol rotunda. Credit: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

HBD, VP: Mike Pence turns 58; his staff decorates plane to celebrate

Obsessing About Claire's Clothes: A look at the "House of Cards" character's style

Spoiler Alert: Or ... what to expect at former FBI Director James Comey's testimony

Kate Bennett

What the White House is Talking About:
President Donald Trump is traveling to Cincinnati today for a planned speech on infrastructure. But this morning he tweeted he'll also be meeting with what he calls "ObamaCare victims" and will talk about health care. 

What the White House Press Corps Is Talking About:
Seriously? Today's Hill testimony, departure speculation about Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Trump's announcement via Twitter about his pick to lead the FBI. 
Eric Trump Goes on a Rant:
Tuesday night on Fox News, Eric Trump (who I always thought was the less bombastic of the elder Trump sons) went on a tear against Democrats in Washington. It's more compelling to read than to have me explain, so here: 
Credit: Screenshot,

Meanwhile, at the State Department:
This is a good read on what's happening at the State Department, where spokeswoman Heather Nauert held her first press briefing Tuesday. Nauert prepped, and came with a huge binder, which she often referred to during the briefing. I personally see nothing wrong with that, but some reporters gave her a hard time

Birthday for VP:
It's Vice President Mike Pence's birthday today -- he turns 58. His staff decorated his plane as a surprise. 
Credit: @VP/Twitter

Ivanka on the Cover of US Weekly:
The tabloids have refocused on the Trump family again; the next issue of US Weekly, out Thursday, features Ivanka Trump. There's not a lot of new stuff in the story, but a source tells the magazine the first daughter was "disappointed" by her dad's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate deal. 

She's also "just like us!" and goes to Starbucks in the morning. DC Twitter freaked at seeing Trump order her nonfat vanilla latte no whip in Dupont Circle. I'm more like -- she's wearing another floral sundress, guys? 
Credit: @wshawver/Twitter

I've Been Obsessing About Claire Underwood's Clothes. Hi, I'm Kate:
Claire's been killing it with her looks this season on "House of Cards." I'm on episode six, so if she's wearing a potato sack by the end and I just don't know, sorry. But so far, the military-esque, severe, buttoned-up looks are tight. Now I know this was done on purpose. Costume designer Kemal Harris spills wardrobe secrets in this WWD story, and she says the one dress I covet (with the gold buttons from neck to bottom) was an original design, and thus not for sale. #bummer

"Game of Thrones" Nerds, Let's Drink: 
I'll be there. You know you will, too. I'm ordering the Dothraquiri, you? 

Hunter Schwarz

What Washington Is Talking About:
Ahead of former FBI Director James Comey's testimony Thursday, the Senate intelligence committee is hearing today from a group of intelligence officials, including acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe. Any other week, they would be headliners on Capitol Hill, but now, they're just the opening act.

What America Is Talking About:
Jerry Seinfeld refusing Kesha's request for a hug three times at the Kennedy Center for the "National Night of Laughter and Song."

Poll of the Day:
Sixty-one percent of Americans think Trump fired Comey to "protect himself," according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Credit: The Washington Post

Spoiler Alert (Or What to Expect at Comey's Testimony):
Can you do spoiler alerts on the news? I don't know, but don't read ahead if you want to be completely surprised watching Comey's testimony. Sources tell CNN the ex-FBI chief is expected to refute Trump's assertion he told him multiple times he wasn't under investigation, and one source said he's going to be a "fact witness" only and "leave the legal analysis for others."

And does Trump plan to live-tweet during the whole thing? Two White House sources tell CNN he doesn't plan to put Twitter down and might respond if he feels the need. Per The Washington Post, Trump's lawyers and aides are trying to keep him busy Thursday and convince him to not engage.

Eric Trump's Charity Golf Controversy:
Maybe part of the reason Eric Trump went off on Fox News, which Kate wrote about above, was this Forbes article published Tuesday. According to the article, beginning in 2011, his annual charity golf tournament to benefit St.Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis redirected what would total more than $500,000 to charities other than St. Jude, including some that were clients of Trump golf courses. They have the receipts, citing filings from the Eric Trump Foundation and other charities. A spokesman for Eric Trump told CNN's Betsy Klein the story was "shameful" and said, "At no time did the Trump Organization profit in any way from the foundation or any of its activities."

Trumps to Launch New Hotel Line:
It's going to be called "American Idea," it will be franchised, "mid-scale" (a step up from "economy"), and the first three will be in Mississippi. You may remember earlier this year, Trump Hotels announced their first hotel brand not to bear the family name, Scion, expected to be boutique hotels in smaller markets. Trump has never been a Hilton or Marriott, a truly nationwide brand with multiple chains targeting different demographic groups, but it looks like that could change some day.

Your No. 2 Source for CNN Chyrons:
No. 1 is CNN, but in second place is today's must-follow Twitter account, @CNNChyronBot, which just tweets out screenshots and the chyron text. All morning, it's been about the Senate intelligence committee hearings:
Credit: @CNNChyronBot/Twitter

Leave Britney Alone:
Britney Spears wrapped up her third show in Japan on Tuesday night and now heads to South Korea. Meanwhile, an antivirus provider claims a hacking group known for targeting governments, government officials and diplomats used the comment section of one of the singer's Instagram posts to hide instructions for how to "locate the control server that sends instructions and offloads stolen data to and from infected computers."

Below is the comment, "#2hot make loved to her, umps #hot #X" from an account that no longer exists on one of several photos the pop star posted taken by photographer David Roemer. The URL that comment directed to had 17 visits recorded in February, when it was posted, and "might indicate that it was only a test run."

Ariana's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" Gets Single Release:
Her live performance of the song, as well as the entire One Love Manchester benefit concert, is available on streaming services. All proceeds from the music are going to victims of the May 22 attack in the northern English city.
Credit: Republic Records
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