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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

I made representation on behalf of Morrison too: McLachlan...

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September 5, 2018
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AFL boss Gillon McLachlan has told a senate inquiry in Canberra that in 2014 he also lobbied then Immigration Minister Scott Morrison on behalf of a polo player waiting on a business visa.
FULL INTERVIEW: Labor senator Murray Watt says evidence coming to light in senate hearings shows senior government ministers are making favourable immigration decisions at the behest of 'highly placed' people.
Thousands of early childhood education workers are walking off the job to protest low wages.
NSW teachers are being trained to identify potential transgender children in the classroom. The new training is being rolled out with the help of gender identity experts in primary and secondary schools.
The economy has grown 0.9 per cent in Q2 GDP report to an annual rate of 3.4 per cent, now the fastest rate of growth since 2012.
The strongest typhoon to make landfall in Japan in more than 20 years has killed at least eight people and has left thousands stranded.
Millions of dollars will be refunded to NSW farmers who have been overcharged the past three years because of an error regarding registration for heavy vehicles.
Perth homicide detectives are investigating the disappearance of a 32-year-old woman from the suburb of Carlisle.
FULL INTERVIEW: Michael McCormack is backing the Prime Minister's promise to abandon the government's plan to lift the pension age. Under the proposal, Australians would have been forced to work until 70 before receiving government support.
Pacific Island leaders are meeting in Nauru to thrash out the communique of the Pacific Islands Forum. Climate change remains firmly on the agenda with the low lying islands of Kiribati and Tuvalu calling on faster cuts to greenhouse gas emissions.
New reports have emerged that Malcolm Turnbull offered Peter Dutton the role of Deputy Liberal Leader in a bid to stop a leadership coup.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced the Coalition will backtrack on its pledge to increase the pension age to 70 years.
Pacific island countries are set to sign a strategic agreement that puts climate change front and centre of the security threats faced by the region.
A new book about US President Donald Trump claims his closest aides have previously hidden papers from his desk in a bid to stop his 'dangerous impulses'.
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