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Monday, December 4, 2017

That Time the President Endorsed an Accused Child Molester for the US Senate: Trump tweeted his support for Roy Moore this morning

Monday, December 4, 2017
President Trump approaches the South Lawn of the White House aboard Marine One Saturday. Credit: Shawn Thew/Pool/Getty Images

That Time the President Endorsed An Accused Child Molester for the US Senate: Trump tweeted his support for Roy Moore

Lewandowski, With the Dirt: Trump's former campaign manager says working for him "can feel like an all-out assault"

Pepe Watch: Artist Matt Furie's lawyers sent a cease-and-desist to a hot sauce maker

Kate Bennett

What the White House is Talking About:
President Trump today is in Utah to announce reductions to two National Parks, as well as meet with leaders from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

What the White House Press Corps is Talking About:
Russia investigation, still, because Trump's tweets over the weekend

Also, the National Park situation, which CNN's Bill Weir outlines here if you're interested in learning more about what it would mean for Trump to reduce the area(s). 

Wait, Can the President Obstruct Justice?:
Because his lawyer says he can't. But that seems weird. And maybe un-Constitutional? 

Trump's Lawyer, Part Two:
The president's other lawyer said this weekend that *he* wrote what Trump tweeted this weekend about Michael Flynnn, which is again, weird -- and also maybe not true. 
That Time the President Endorsed An Accused Child Molestor for US Senate:
Well that's a weird headline to write. Trump this morning tweeted his support for Roy Moore, who has been accused of making sexual advances toward a 14-year-old girl and sexually assaulting a 16-year-old, among other alleged disturbing indiscretions. Despite this, the President tweeted that people should get behind Moore because the Senate needs a Republican in the Alabama seat for which Moore is a candidate. On Friday, Trump is scheduled to headline a campaign-style rally in Pensacola, Florida, which is a stone's throw from the Alabama state line. Lara Trump, Eric Trump's wife, has made robocalls encouraging Alabamians to attend the rally, and this morning Trump was on the phone with Moore's wife: 
Credit: @kaitlincollins/Twitter

What Joe Biden Said to Karen Pence is Peak Joe Biden: 
In the new issue of Washington Life, out today, there's a great profile of Karen Pence by executive editor Virginia Coyne -- as well as photographs of the Vice President's mansion, post-Pence updates. But the best is what the second lady says were Joe Biden's parting words to her at the Capitol as he got into his limo after the inauguration ceremony ended:  "You're gonna love the pool." 
Credit: Tony Powell for Washington Life magazine

When Billy Bush Says You've Got it Wrong:
Bill Bush wrote an oped for the New York Times in which he reminds the President that it was his voice on the infamous "Access Hollywood" video, because Trump has allegedly been trying to insinuate that maybe it was some sort of not-him voice instead. This line from Bush's story was particularly poignant: None of us were guilty of knowingly enabling our future president. But all of us were guilty of sacrificing a bit of ourselves in the name of success.

Meanwhile, at the White House ... :
Last night, DC got all star struck because when celebrities come to town, we have an embarrassing tendency to nerd out. It was the annual Kennedy Center Honors and most of Washington's VIP crowd watched the big show, which paid tribute to five entertainers, including LL Cool J, Lionel Richie, Norman Lear and Gloria Estefan. This year, for the first time in the show's history, the president and first lady did not attend, mainly because some of the honorees expressed discomfort with Trump, and he was all, that's cool, I get it, go do your thing, "without any political distraction." 
Instead, a White House official told me that President Trump and Melania Trump spent their Sunday night hosting a holiday reception at the White House for Secret Service employees and their families. 
Credit: Lionel Richie, Gloria Estefan and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at a Saturday reception at the State Department to celebrate the Kennedy Center Honors. Ron Sachs/pool/Getty Images

Senior Staff Also Got a Party:
'Tis the season for the White House to host literally dozens of holiday shindigs, and one, on Friday night, was a fancy to-do for senior White House staff. POTUS and FLOTUS hosted a black tie, candlelight dinner in the East Room for the top brass of the administration.
Credit: @scavino45/Twitter

As I Mentioned, It's Party Time:

Tonight is Politico's big Women Rule event at the Four Seasons, tomorrow night is the annual holiday party at the home of French Ambassador Gérard Araud, which last year featured giant stuffed-animal polar bears and penguins -- but the hot invite du jour is the book party for Tina Brown's new memoir, "The Vanity Fair Diaries, 1983-1992," hosted by Constance Milstein, Andrea Mitchell, Carol Melton, Gail MacKinnon, Rachel Pearson, Kathy O'Hearn, Hilary Rosen and Tammy Haddad, next week at The Jefferson Hotel ...

Hunter Schwarz

What Washington is Talking About:
The Senate passed the Repub tax bill early Saturday with only one Republican, Bob Corker of Tennessee, voting against it. Next up is reconciliation with the House version of the bill. And the Supreme Court is hearing a case today about legalizing sports betting at racetracks and casinos in New Jersey and Gov. Chris Christie will be there.

What America is Talking About:
Getting nuked. 

Here's how much things have escalated in less than a week: North Korea said Wednesday it launched a missile that set the North Korean record for highest-ever altitude and was capable of hitting the entire United States. President Trump tweeted that day that he had talked with Chinese President Xi about North Korea and that new sanctions would be imposed. North Korea released photos on Thursday of a new, massive missile called the Hwasong-15. North Korea's Foreign Ministry said Saturday Trump was "begging nuclear war." And the US sent stealth fighters to South Korea over the weekend, which South Korea's defense minister said today participated in the largest-ever US-South Korean joint air force exercise

Poll of the Day:
We're eight days away from the special election to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions' US Senate seat for the state of Alabama, and a Washington Post-Schar School poll released Saturday found Democrat Doug Jones barely up, 50% to 47% against Republican Roy Moore, an accused child molester.
Credit: The Washington Post

A third of likely voters said Moore has higher moral standards than Jones.

Hawaii Tested Nuclear Sirens:
They went off Friday, for the first time since the Cold War. You can listen to what they sound like here. A missile launched from North Korea would reach Hawaii in 20 minutes, Hawaii Emergency Management administrator Vern Miyagi told CNN.

Lewandowski, With the Dirt:
Former Trump campaign manger Corey Lewandowski has cowritten a book with former Trump campaign aide David Bossie out tomorrow titled "Let Trump Be Trump." The Washington Post had some early excerpts, and it sounds like working on the Trump campaign was ... stressful. They wrote:

"Sooner or later, everybody who works for Donald Trump will see a side of him that makes you wonder why you took a job with him in the first place.  ... The mode that he switches into when things aren't going his way can feel like an all-out assault; it'd break most hardened men and women into little pieces."

They also write the "four major food groups" on Trump Force One were McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, pizza and Diet Coke, and cupboards had Vienna Fingers, potato chips, pretzels, and Oreos.
Credit: Center Street

NFL Players are Still Kneeling:
The league's vow to donate millions of dollars to social justice causes last week hasn't stopped the kneeling. Players from 11 NFL teams knelt during the National Anthem at games this weekend. San Francisco 49ers safety Eric Reid said last week, "It's apparent the NFL is trying to buy an end to the protests," and announced he was leaving the Players Coalition, a group of about 20 players who have protested during the anthem and been speaking with the league since the summer. Los Angeles Chargers' Russell Okung and the Miami Dolphins' Michael Thomas also left the coalition.

Gaga Teams Up With Veterans Group to Help Houston Hurricane Victims:
Ahead of her "Joanne World Tour" stop in Houston, Lady G worked with members of the veteran and first responders group Team Rubicon to help a woman named Pamela with demolition work on her home, which was damaged in Hurricane Harvey. In the photo below, Gaga is sporting the glittery purple and green construction helmet (because of course she is).
Credit: @ladygaga/Instagram

Beyoncé Uses a Different Email Account Every Week:
Out: having your own home-brew email server
In: using a different email account every week

Ed Sheeran told "Entertainment Tonight" Beyoncé's email "changes every week" and that their collab "Perfect" has been in the works since May.

"House of Cards" is Coming Back:
Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos said today at UBS's Global Media and Communications Conference that HOC production will resume early 2018 for an eight-episode-long sixth season that star Robin Wright and not include Kevin Spacey.

🐸Pepe Watch🐸:
A hot sauce maker who sells Hot Pepe's "Over The Wall" Hot Sauce says Pepe creator Matt Furie's lawyers have sent him a cease-and-desist order. Jeremy Bernstein spoke with the Miami New Times about his hot sauce, which is described on his site as "the hot sauce approved by nationalists everywhere" and "guaranteed to produce Regressive Liberal and SJW tears."

In August, lawyers for Furie succeeded in getting a children's book pulled that used Pepe and included anti-Muslim and alt-right undertones. Furie is working on a zine, now available for pre-order, meant to celebrate "a resurrected Pepe" free of any so-called alt-right connotations.
Credit: Hot Pepe's

Street Art Sighting:
Spotted in San Diego: a mural of a kneeling Colin Kaepernick with the words "Reclaim The Community!" written behind him.
Credit: @itsl80a/Twitter

Send your political street art pics to me at, tweet me @hunterschwarz or tag @cnncoverline on Instagram.
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