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Monday, September 2, 2019

Ernest Wong accused of lying, covering up illegal donation with multiple fake benefactors...

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September 3, 2019
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Former NSW Labor MP has been accused of selling a fundraising table to a prohibited Chinese donor, covering up the illegal donation by crediting the money to fake benefactors.
Brisbane City councillor Jonathan Sri and Sky News host Chris Kenny have clashed over whether protestors should commit civil disobedience in order to bring awareness of climate change.
Attorney General Christian Porter says "the need has grown" for tougher legislation to catch and punish child sex offenders, with close to a third of convicted paedophiles not spending a day behind bars for their crimes.
Entrepreneur and co-founder of the Harvey Norman retail empire Gerry Harvey has hit back at political correctness, telling Sky News host Chris Kenny that he won't bow to it in the boardroom or in his language.
Sky News host Chris Kenny says the ABC "thrives on more than a billion dollars" taken from taxpayers which it uses to spread "green left propaganda".
An eight-year-old boy is among five killed by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, where winds of up to 200mph are ripping roofs from homes, overturning cars and tearing down power lines.
Child sex offender Michael Guider is set to walk free from prison this week on a five-year extended supervision order.
Queensland Police has caught a British man trying to flee the country after he was allegedly involved in a fatal hit and run in Northern NSW.
Deputy Premier Jackie Trad will lead the Queensland government as acting premier next week, as the state's corruption watchdog decides whether to launch a formal investigation into her controversial property purchase.
Peter Dutton admits the Tamil family case is an emotional one, but says "I haven't allowed people to come by boat, I haven't had a single person drown on my watch at sea, and I'm not about to start now".
Queensland Labor has been marred with another integrity crisis as Premier Anastasia Palaszczuk is linked with a lobbying firm rallying the state for a $900million deal.
The number of people confirmed dead has risen to eight after a dive boat caught fire and sank off the coast of southern California.
The Reserve Bank of Australia has confirmed that the nation's interest rates will remain unchanged at 1 per cent.
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